
April 2, 2009 - An Influential Experience: The Beginning of A Revolution

I recently had the opportunity to baby-sit my mother’s friend’s grand-daughter, Mbali, who is 4 years old, and I’ve been doing so for the past 2 weeks whereby she is picked up from kindergarten and dropped-off at my house.

As her daily transportation arrives, I hear a hooter, beeping away so I rush out the front door and bring her into the house. Before she arrived I was busy playing a flash game, called Barbie which I happened to find online as part of a research and development task I was practicing for the creation of a Free MySpace Gaming Portal.

I called her into my study and asked her if she new who was on my computer screen and she screamed “Barbeeee”, enticed by the pretty pink shades of graphics overwhelming my screen she automatically realized from all the moving objects that this was a game so she wanted to play but first I offered to show her how the game is played.

Like any other flash game, it was very simple to play, basically “Barbie” was standing at the bottom of the screen while head sized “Poo” balls was falling from the sky and by moving the mouse from left to right you have to dodge between all this “Poo”.

I was amazed to find that she instinctively knew what to do, after a few tries she had become a little champ at the game and this alone became a major inspirational influence that lead me to create a place for people of all ages to find a large database of free flash games due to the sheer fun you get from playing non-competitive fast games because regardless of a games simplicity, I , a 19 year old was as amused by the game as much as a 4 year old, to a certain extent though and the reason I say that is because when I asked Mbali what the dark brown stuff falling from the sky was she said chocolate flavored marshmallows. Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! here’s a link to the Barbie Game so you can play it yourself.

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